Residents Blame Biden-Harris As Indiana Schools Struggle With Migrant Overload

The city of Logansport, Indiana, is facing a crisis as the local population has surged by 30% due to the arrival of over 11,000 Haitian migrants. The increase has placed immense pressure on the city’s public schools, leading to overcrowded classrooms and concern among parents. Many locals are holding the Biden-Harris administration responsible for failing to control immigration.
Local photographer Candice Espinoza shared her frustration, telling The New York Post, “Our community cannot withstand this many people being here.” Another local parent, Nancy Baker, was more blunt, stating that if Kamala Harris came to her door, she would tell her to “get off my property.”
The Haitian migrant population in Logansport’s schools has grown from 14 to 207 students in one year, putting a strain on resources. Baker’s daughter, Cheyanne, dropped out of high school after feeling that her education was being neglected. “You can’t just focus on one group of students while the others are left behind,” Baker said.
Cheyanne has since enrolled in an online school, but the issue remains unresolved for other students. Espinoza’s children are also struggling due to the focus on non-English-speaking students. “My kids’ reading and comprehension are suffering because teachers are lowering expectations,” she said.
Residents like Espinoza and Baker are looking to the upcoming presidential election for change, with many planning to vote for Donald Trump. Espinoza believes that Trump’s policies will help restore balance in the community.