RINO Mitt Romney Blasts Ron DeSantis

A recently released excerpt from a biography about the quintessential RINO in Congress, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), reveals a strong dislike and distrust for Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The biography, written by McKay Coppins, comes out next Tuesday. And, according to excerpts, the book contains several telling quotes that reveal something about where Romney stands on the presidential election coming up in 2024.
Part of the excerpts from the book capture Romney’s disdain for presidential candidate Gov. Ron DeSantis, with Romney reportedly saying of the Florida governor’s appearances with voters: “There’s just no warmth at all,” adding that, “He looks like he’s got a toothache.”
Romney’s concerns about DeSantis become more specific, with him claiming he is “much smarter than Trump.” The senator goes on to consider out loud whether or not an “authoritarian” who is smart would be worse than one of lesser intelligence.
Romney, who once sought a position in former President Donald Trump’s administration, has been an ardent Trump critic and has been at odds with most conservatives for a multitude of reasons throughout the years.
From advocating for measures to combat “climate change” to pushing for extended obstacles to gun purchases and state-administered “red flag” laws, Romney has habitually found himself the focus of outrage from conservatives for his statements and votes.
The back and forth between Romney and Trump has boiled up into the media several times since Trump’s election win in 2016, with the Utah senator being the only Republican in the Senate to join with Democrats in voting to impeach then-President Trump during his first 2020 impeachment trial.
Though DeSantis remains far behind former President Trump in the polls, he is still the strongest contender facing Romney’s political nemesis. It will be interesting to see if he changes his opinion on DeSantis as the midterm elections draw nearer — if DeSantis can retain his place in the standings until that time.
DeSantis supporters have latched onto Romney’s comments, claiming that the correct interpretation of the quotes indicates that DeSantis is feared for his competent use of public policy and his conservative values.