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Sen. JD Vance Raises Concerns Over Federal Government Accepting A Trump Victory

Eric Simmons
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Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) has raised serious concerns about whether President Donald Trump’s potential victory in 2024 would be accepted by establishment forces, particularly within the military. During an interview with Tucker Carlson, the vice presidential nominee discussed his belief that Trump is poised for victory, but questioned the extent to which powerful entities might obstruct his return to office.

Vance’s confidence in Trump’s chances was clear, noting the likelihood of either a decisive win on Election Night or a narrower result afterward. However, Carlson pressed him on whether the powers that be would accept that outcome. Vance responded, “Well, yeah, it’s a good question,” before expressing concerns about the bureaucratic forces in Washington, D.C.

The senator noted that in the 2020 election, Big Tech played a crucial role in censoring negative stories about Joe Biden, contributing to the outcome. While Vance acknowledged these forces would once again try to hinder Trump, he emphasized that much of what happens is driven by incompetence, rather than an organized effort by an “evil genius.”


Carlson went on to ask if Vance believed the military, which he said had been co-opted by establishment figures, would accept a Trump victory. Vance agreed that this is one of his major concerns, stating, “That’s what worries me.”

Vance expressed that the real challenge wouldn’t be the election itself but what happens afterward. He suggested that the attempts to block Trump’s policies, such as deporting millions of illegal immigrants, would be labeled as “fascism” by opponents, with powerful forces working hard to stop him.

Vance also pointed out that Vice President Kamala Harris’ weak polling in key states adds to his confidence in a Trump victory, though he stressed the need for voters to remain engaged to ensure success.

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