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Supercomputer To Make Decision On Blocking The Sun

Graham Perdue
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Bill Gates, the Big Tech billionaire who has already made several outrageous demands, believes blocking out the sun may be a good idea. Specifically, he is behind the idea of an impediment to sunlight to address climate change.

This lunacy is dubbed “solar radiation modification.” 

The Biden White House is behind research into this scheme, and now a supercomputer is being utilized to tell scientists whether this idea holds water or is insane. 


According to Scientific American, this new supercomputer will aid researchers in determining “the effects of solar geoengineering.” That’s the idea that there would be benefits from diverting sunshine elsewhere.

Developers named the device Derecho, and it is 3.5 times faster than the model it replaced.

It is now operational at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The aim is for scientists to use it to create detailed weather models and determine the benefits of solar geoengineering.

Interestingly, one of the early focal points is how using man made aerosols would affect rainfall. Scientists say they will also examine risks inherent with attempting to redirect sunlight. 


However, Michael Shellenberger, author of “Apocalypse Never,” called it a “grossly irresponsible” experiment and a “bonkers” plan. He said the “vast majority” of scientists agree with him that it is a “terrible idea.”

Shellenberger expressed his belief that Gates and other supporters of the scheme would be opposed at every turn. “They know for a fact that they will never get international agreement on this. So they are basically trying to socialize the idea, normalize the idea, make us comfortable.”

Is this something best decided by a computer? No.

Instead, it is the height of human arrogance to believe that the species should control sunlight and thus the weather. And isn’t the whole point of the environmental movement to get manmade chemicals out of the atmosphere instead of adding more?

Is a computer truly going to predict something as unpredictable as an attempt to interfere with natural sunlight? Remember, Gates possesses a “God complex” as has been demonstrated throughout the pandemic and even in his efforts to reshape education.

This is a ridiculous plan that should be dead on arrival.