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Thomas Massie Demands Full Disclosure On Congressional Settlements

Eric Simmons
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Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is calling for the release of records detailing which members of Congress used taxpayer money to settle misconduct complaints, totaling $17 million between 1997 and 2017. The Congressional Office of Compliance paid out these settlements, covering allegations ranging from sexual harassment to racial discrimination.

Massie’s call for transparency comes as many question why Congress has allowed its members to keep these settlements hidden. He pointed out the contrast between the treatment of President Donald Trump, who used his own money to settle legal matters, and members of Congress, who have used taxpayer funds without consequence.

The settlement fund was created under the 1995 Congressional Accountability Act, but the complex reporting process has kept many details, including how much relates to sexual misconduct, from being disclosed.


Massie argued that taxpayers have the right to know where their money is going, especially when it comes to settling complaints against their elected officials. He has called on Congress to release the records and provide full transparency regarding these settlements.

The push for accountability has gained traction, as many voters demand more openness from their representatives. Massie’s efforts aim to shed light on a long-hidden issue and ensure that Congress is held to the same standards as the rest of the country.