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Trump Volunteers Claim ‘Deranged Leftist’ Attacked Them Outside Kamala Harris Event

James King, MPA
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A group of Trump volunteers alleged they were confronted by a “deranged leftist” outside a union event attended by Vice President Kamala Harris in Philadelphia as they set up a table of campaign literature. Video taken by one volunteer shows a heavy-set man with sunglasses and grey hair who started yelling at the group as he walked past the table with his dog.

“He’ll be in jail by the time he gets to run for president,” the man taunted. He then said, “F—k you!” and lunged at one volunteer, knocking over water bottles on the table before exiting with his dog who grew increasingly agitated by the conflict.


Other photos from the event showed the Trump volunteer group’s tables flipped over with campaign literature scattered on the street. The Trump War Room social media account reported, “Outside Kamala’s event in Pennsylvania, Far Left activists resorted to violence against Team Trump volunteers and flipped over tables outside the venue. @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris must denounce this.”

The Trump team connected the attack to the news that the Department of Justice authorized deadly force to raid the former president’s club in Florida to recover classified documents in his possession. The Biden campaign did not respond to the video.