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Turner Warns Of ‘Red Line’ If North Korean Troops Enter Ukraine

Eric Simmons
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House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) warned Friday that North Korean troops moving into Ukraine would be an extreme escalation in the ongoing conflict. In a letter to President Biden, Turner called for immediate action, saying that U.S. and NATO forces must be ready to respond if these reports are confirmed.

The letter comes after South Korea’s National Intelligence Service revealed that 1,500 North Korean special forces have been deployed to Russia’s Far East. These soldiers are reportedly preparing to join the war in Ukraine, using Russian uniforms and fake IDs to avoid detection.

Turner criticized the Biden administration for not briefing lawmakers on these developments, describing the situation as urgent. “North Korean troops, either attacking Ukraine from Russian territory or entering into Ukrainian territory, must be a red line for the United States and NATO,” Turner wrote, demanding a classified briefing on the matter.


North Korea has been supporting Russia in other ways throughout the war, including supplying millions of artillery and missile rounds. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused North Korea of preparing to send thousands more troops to aid Russia.

Turner emphasized the need for the Biden administration to act swiftly, warning that any delay could lead to further instability in the region. The involvement of North Korean troops in the conflict would mark a significant turning point in the war, which has already lasted over two years.

Zelenskyy appears unmoved by the astronomical loss of life in his own nation, and seems determined to pull the U.S. and NATO into the escalating conflict that could turn into a world war between nuclear powers, inciting dangers far more catastrophic than even the potential for disaster of the Cold War. 

The Biden administration’s mishandling of the war in Ukraine could lead to serious consequences for the American people.
