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Questions Arise Over Cohen’s Testimony In Trump Trial Amid Contradictions

James King, MPA
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The credibility of Michael Cohen’s testimony in the trial of former President Donald Trump has been called into question following contradictions raised by Trump’s 2016 campaign staff. Cohen, a key prosecution witness, claimed to have served as a “surrogate” for the Trump campaign, but new details obtained during the trial challenge this assertion, prompting concerns about perjury.

During cross-examination, Cohen asserted that he acted as a surrogate for the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, representing the candidate in media appearances and providing commentary to the press. However, Bryan Lanza, the 2016 Trump communications director responsible for managing surrogate activity, disputed Cohen’s claim, stating that he never booked Cohen as a surrogate.

The discrepancy between Cohen’s testimony and Lanza’s account has raised doubts about the accuracy of Cohen’s statements and the veracity of his testimony. Critics argue that Cohen’s admission of criminal conduct, including the theft of $60,000 from the Trump Organization, further undermines his credibility as a witness.


Cohen’s credibility has sunk so low that even his former allies in the left-wing media have condemned him and his effects on the Trump case. CNN legal analyst Elie Honig recently criticized the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for granting Cohen immunity for a crime more serious than the charges against Trump. Honig argued that this decision raises questions about Cohen’s credibility and his relationship with the prosecution.

“But it’s a very fair question to ask, gee folks of the jury, they gave him a free pass,” Honig said. “He committed larceny. It’s a higher degree of a felony than what Donald Trump is charged with. Yet they gave Michael Cohen a free pass even though he’s now admitted that he stole what amounts to $60,000. It goes to his credibility, it goes to his relationship with the D.A.”

As the trial progresses, the contradictions in Cohen’s testimony are likely to be closely scrutinized, potentially impacting the outcome of the case. The revelations surrounding Cohen’s role in the Trump campaign and his admission of criminal behavior have cast doubt on his reliability as a witness, posing challenges for the prosecution in proving its case against Trump.
