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Biden Admin Lets In 8 ISIS-Affiliated Foreign Nationals, ICE Fixes His Error

James King, MPA
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In a startling development, eight foreign nationals with suspected ISIS affiliations were arrested by ICE and the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force after initially being allowed into the United States under the Biden administration’s vetting process. The suspects, all from Tajikistan, were apprehended in major cities including New York City, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported the arrests, citing a federal source who confirmed the identities and affiliations of the suspects. The Tajikistan nationals had initially crossed the southern border illegally and were subjected to what the administration described as “full vetting.” However, no immediate derogatory information was found at the time of their entry.

It was only after their release into the U.S. that additional intelligence flagged these individuals as potential security threats. The New York Post revealed that at least one of the suspects was recorded discussing bomb-making plans on an FBI wiretap, underscoring the severity of the threat they posed.


Tristan Leavitt, the attorney for one of the detainees, criticized the Biden administration’s vetting process, stating that it failed to detect the risks posed by these individuals. “The fact that these individuals were able to enter the country and only later be identified as threats raises serious questions about our border security protocols,” Leavitt said.

In a statement, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) acknowledged the arrests but did not address the initial vetting failure. “Over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities. The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings. As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the U.S. has been in a heightened threat environment. The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security,” the statement read.

This incident has intensified scrutiny of the Biden administration’s immigration policies, particularly the effectiveness of its vetting process. Critics argue that the current system is insufficient to handle the volume of migrants and the complexities of identifying potential threats among them.

The arrests of these ISIS-affiliated individuals highlight the urgent need for a more robust and reliable vetting system to prevent similar oversights in the future. As the situation unfolds, it remains crucial to reassess and strengthen the procedures in place to protect national security.

This revelation also underscores broader concerns about the administration’s handling of border security and the potential risks associated with its policies. As calls for improved security measures grow louder, the focus will likely remain on ensuring that such critical lapses are not repeated, safeguarding the nation from potential threats.
