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Democratic Candidate In Texas Charged With Fabricating Racist Threats

James King, MPA
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Taral Patel, a Democratic candidate in Texas, faces serious charges after allegedly creating fake social media accounts to send racist messages to himself. Patel, who is running for Commissioner of Fort Bend Precinct 3, was arrested by Texas Rangers and charged with Online Impersonation and Misrepresentation of Identity. The arrest followed an investigation that began in October 2023 at the behest of his opponent, incumbent Commissioner Andy Meyers (R-TX).

According to American Greatness, Meyers requested the investigation after noticing that the racist comments seemed to originate from his supporters. Patel used screenshots of these fabricated messages in his campaign, portraying them as evidence of widespread bigotry among Republican voters.

In a Facebook post from September 2023, Patel wrote, “As your Democratic candidate for County Commissioner, I am always open to criticism of my policy positions and stances on issues. However, when my Republican opponents’ supporters decide to hurl racist, anti-immigrant, Hinduphobic, or otherwise disgusting insults at my family, faith community, colleagues, and me – that crosses a line.”


Authorities also found that Patel used the image of an actual Fort Bend resident in one of the fake profiles, further complicating his legal situation.

Bobby Eberle, Chairman of the Fort Bend County GOP, denounced Patel’s actions, stating, “Whether Republican or Democrat, such tactics should be unequivocally condemned by all who value integrity and accountability in politics.” Eberle added that the people of Fort Bend County deserve leaders who do not resort to deceit for political advantage.

Eberle continued, “This is not a partisan issue, and the good people of Fort Bend County should be able to trust that when allegations are made, they are sincere. Residents deserve better leadership than someone who will create a fake account and post manufactured racist attacks.”

The incident has led to calls for greater scrutiny and honesty in political campaigns, with many urging that such unethical behavior be met with strict consequences to preserve the integrity of the democratic process.
