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Catholic Leaders Blast LA Dodgers For Celebrating Drag ‘Nuns’

Chris Agee
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The Los Angeles Dodgers has gone back and forth over its decision to celebrate a group of drag queens known as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence at an upcoming “Pride Night” event at the stadium.

After religious groups spoke out against the decision to celebrate the troupe known for openly mocking and ridiculing the Catholic church, the MLB team initially decided to disinvite the group.

When LGBT activists got involved and applied pressure from the other side, however, the franchise reconsidered and offered a groveling apology to the drag queens in a statement posted to Twitter.


The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence celebrated the victory over the Catholic community in a subsequent statement, writing: “This morning our Abbess, Sister Dominia, and another board member, Sister Bearonce Knows, met with the Dodgers president and CEO Stan Kasten. … A full apology and explanation was given to us by the Dodgers staff which we accept. … May the games be blessed!”

Critics of the decision include the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

“The decision to honor a group that clearly mocks the Catholic faith and makes light of the sincere and holy vocations of our women religious who are an integral part of our Church is what has caused disappointment, concern, anger, and dismay from our Catholic community,” the archdiocese wrote. “The ministries and vocations of our religious women should be honored and celebrated through genuine acts of appreciation, reverence, and respect for their sacred vows, and for all the good works of our nuns and sisters in service of the mission of the Catholic Church.”

Before the Dodgers re-invited them, Anaheim Mayor Ashleigh Aitken tweeted that she was “disappointed” in the team’s decision and extended an invitation of her own for the drag performers to join her at the stadium on June 7.

That move sparked backlash from the Diocese of Orange, which asserted: “The decision to openly embrace a group whose demeaning behavior is anti-Catholic and anti-Christian is misguided and disrespectful to the sisters of the Catholic Church who minister in Orange County and selflessly dedicate their lives to God’s underserved people. We cannot condone any actions that have historically shown such high levels of disregard for the sincerely held beliefs of the faithful.
