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Abbott Fires Back At Australian Woman Attacking The American Flag

Anastasia Boushee
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A woman who apparently came to visit the United States from Australia went on a rant on TikTok, complaining about how common it was to see American flags around the country — but American social media users, including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), fired back.

“I’m just gonna say it; there are too many American flags,” the young woman whined. “Like they’re on houses; they’re on cars; saw them on couch cushions. Like I don’t know who’s making these American flags, but they’d be making a bloody fortune, and like, you’re the only country I know that does this, like.”

She went on to compare the ubiquity of American flags in the U.S. to the lack of Australian flags in Australia.


“The only time I think I’ve ever seen an Australian flag is on the Harbour Bridge,” she said, referring to the bridge in Sydney, Australia, that spans Sydney Harbour from the city’s central business district to the North Shore. “Could not tell you what it looks like. Like, I know what it’s like, blue, and it’s got some stars on it, but I think I could draw the American flag from memory, like I think I can make a bloody sculpture out of it. That’s how many times I’ve seen it. It’s enough.”

The young woman concluded by suggesting that Americans’ love of country is a sign that they lack humility — telling them to take their flags down and “stay humble.”

“Let’s pull back on it, okay? Let’s stay humble,” she concluded.

After the woman’s video was shared to X, formerly known as Twitter, it quickly went viral — receiving thousands of replies from Americans, most of whom simply responded with American flag emojis.


One reply came from the Texas governor, who included eight American flag emojis alongside a succinct four-word response.

“Go back to Australia,” Abbott fired back.

Another Australian citizen commented on Abbott’s tweet, decrying the lack of patriotism from their fellow countryman and praising the patriotism they saw during a visit to Texas.

“As an Aussie who just spent two weeks in Texas, I found the presence of the flags inspiring. I wish we had that kind of patriotism back home. Unfortunately, these kids have no pride and respect for their country (or others). And I’ve seen a corresponding lack of courtesy and respect for others as well,” the user wrote, following up their tweet with American flag and Australian flag emojis.