Armenian, Hispanic Parents Brawl With Antifa, School Board Over LGBT Agenda

On Tuesday night, masked Antifa radicals brawled with parents who were protesting at a California school board meeting against the school’s insistence on pushing radical gender ideology on children.
The brawl began outside of the Glendale Unified School District’s headquarters, where officials at a school board meeting were discussing their efforts to celebrate Pride month.
Parents, many of whom were from the city’s Armenian and Hispanic communities, showed up to the meeting to blast board members for promoting radical gender ideology and the LGBT agenda to children.
“All of these fake people [pointing to several masked crowd members] are going to go away, and we’re going to vote every one of you [pointing to the school board] out,” one father warned, according to The Daily Signal.
“Bringing in curriculum for K-6 on gender ideology, that is what we’re against,” Any Torosyan, another parent from Glendale, told KTLA.
“I graduated from Glendale in ‘96, and I have two daughters,” another father told the board. “My daughter is afraid to change in the locker room because she knows another guy could come into the room. When I asked the principal, he told me there were no cross-gender bathroom policies.”
Radical leftists also spoke at the meeting to support pushing gender ideology on children — including a man wearing a skirt and high heels.
A teacher who works in the district also spoke to the school board, making outrageous claims that children know they are transgender as early as three years old — and argued that they are being persecuted in a rant filled with leftist buzzwords.
“I am also a community member who volunteers extensively in South LA and work with the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles with queer/trans youth in large groups, and so I deal with a lot of their trauma related to the hetero-normative, Judeo-Christian, patriarchal, imperialist, capitalist system that oppresses them,” the teacher claimed.
Many parents and community members carried American flags and wore t-shirts with “Leave our kids alone” written on them, while the Antifa members waved Pride flags and chanted “Racists, sexists, anti-gay. Christian fascists go away.”
The two groups eventually ended up brawling, and the resulting chaos was caught on video that went viral on social media. Three people, who have not been identified, were arrested as parents confronted Antifa radicals wearing masks and pink bandanas — with Glendale police stating that the suspects “exceeded the bounds of peaceful assembly,” and blaming “agitators” for initiating the confrontation.
The parents have also been protesting by pulling their children out of school — with the Daily Signal reporting that some elementary schools in the area only had a 40% attendance rate.
This comes as the Glendale School District issued a statement telling parents that there is no option to opt their children out of teachings on radical gender ideology.
“Recently, intentional and harmful disinformation has been circulating about what is being taught in our district and the ways we serve our students,” the statement claimed. “This includes disinformation about LGBTQIA+ curriculum, sex education, and supporting transgender and gender non-conforming youth.”
“The option to opt out pertains only to certain curriculum, including development/maturation and sex education. Parents/guardians may not opt their child out of any lesson referencing LGBTQ+ individuals and history, as dictated by the FAIR Act,” the statement continued.