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Conservatives Sadly Find ‘Cracker Barrel Has Fallen’ To Wokism

Holland McKinnie
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As ordinary Americans are blasted with the LGBT agenda during “Pride Month,” Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, a longstanding American restaurant chain, has stepped into the limelight, inciting both commendation and condemnation. The Tennessee-based company, revered for its nostalgic décor and affordable southern fare, shared an Instagram post featuring a rainbow-colored rocking chair in a show of support for the LGBT community. The post ignited a firestorm of mixed reactions, spotlighting the pervasive culture war that continues to divide our nation.

On Thursday, the chain known for its quaint, homespun appeal posted the image of one of their iconic rocking chairs, each slat adorned in the distinct colors of the Pride flag. The caption read, “We are excited to celebrate Pride Month with our employees and guests. Everyone is always welcome at our table (and our rainbow rocker). Happy Pride!” This nod towards woke inclusivity ignited an instantaneous barrage of online commentary as customers passionately voiced their opinions.

Instagram users quickly flocked to the post, rapidly racking up over 2,000 comments within 24 hours. Responses ranged from endorsement to vehement disapproval, with some patrons vowing never to return to the restaurant. The sentiments of a particularly aggrieved Instagram user resonate with many: “Now on my blacklist. I have a family of 6, and there is a Cracker Barrel 7 minutes from my house. We eat there 6 or 7 times a year. Every time we buy things from the gift shop. You will no longer get a penny of my money.”


Cracker Barrel, often situated in heavily Republican regions, has historically remained neutral on social and political matters, focusing instead on providing a family-friendly atmosphere where customers can enjoy classic, down-home cuisine. According to pollster Dave Wasserman, President Donald Trump claimed victory in 76% of counties home to a Cracker Barrel, further illuminating the predominantly conservative leanings of their clientele.

Thus, the company’s overt alignment with Pride Month celebrations has sparked accusations of “going woke,” a term used to describe a perceived cultural shift towards progressive ideologies. This incident echoes recent controversies where Bud Light and Target faced backlash for their respective Pride Month campaigns.

As Cracker Barrel weathers this storm of public opinion, it claims to maintain a commitment to a “welcoming, safe atmosphere” for its patrons. However, as expressed by an exasperated Instagram commenter, many customers would prefer businesses to “stay out of politics.”