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Carlson Blasts Christie Over Ukraine Position: ‘Blustery Coward’

Chris Agee
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Fans of former Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson’s hard-hitting interviews were able to see him back in action during a recent event during which he pressed several GOP presidential candidates on their positions.

Following that event, Carlson and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie traded barbs, primarily over their disparate opinions about the ongoing war in Ukraine. The issue provided a notable exchange in Carlson’s interview with former Vice President Mike Pence. 

“If you were being pressed on Ukraine like that, how would you have responded?” ABC News interviewer George Stephanopoulos asked Christie on Sunday.

The former governor replied: “I would have said, ‘You’ve always been wrong about this, Tucker, and you’re still wrong.” 

His attempt to defend continued U.S. military and financial support for Ukrainian troops included an assertion that “what’s going on … is that this is a proxy war with China.”

Christie claimed that the “Chinese are funding the Russian war by buying Russian oil” and “coordinating with the Iranians to provide lethal weapons to the Russian army.”

Without uninterrupted U.S. intervention, he suggested, the long-term ramifications would be dire, adding: “Right now, the Ukrainians are willing to fight this fight for themselves if they have our support to be able to win it. If the Chinese watch us back away from Ukraine, as Tucker Carlson and others would advocate, believe me, the next move will be Taiwan.”


Carlson appeared to get the last word, however, tweeting that his team had asked Christie to sit down for a “longer conversation” on the topic, but he declined.

“You hate to think that Chris Christie is a blustery coward who plays the tough guy with sycophants at ABC but won’t answer real questions, but who knows?” he added. “We hope he reconsiders.”

Earlier this month, Christie took aim at GOP primary front-runner Donald Trump, who has asserted that he would be able to restore peace in Ukraine within 24 hours of his inauguration in a second term.

“The only way he could do that is do what he normally does, which is bend down to Vladimir Putin and get him whatever he wants,” Christie claimed.