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Disinformation Czar Jankowicz Crowdfunding To Sue Fox News

Graham Perdue
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President Joe Biden’s former disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz is raising funds from the public to sue Fox News for allegedly spreading “lies” about her.

Jankowicz was the president’s choice to head the Disinformation Governance Board for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). However, the board was thoroughly discredited before its work even began and was soon dismantled.

Now, Jankowicz claims that Fox News spread “malicious, reckless lies” about her and looks to raise $100,000 to seek legal recourse.


She posted a five-minute video on her Twitter account along with a GoFundMe page seeking donations for her challenge to the media giant. She reportedly has raised $10,000 so far.

Her posting accused the media outlet of lying about her “hundreds of times to tens of millions of people.” Jankowicz asked her supporters to “help me hold them accountable for the harm they do.”

She added her accusation that Fox News “launched overly personalized, false, and incendiary coverage of me, mainstreaming online conspiracy theories to tens of millions of Americans.”

Jankowicz charged the outlet “completely manufactured my past statements. They called me a liar. They called me crazy. And they told their audience I was evil.”


It was last April when the Biden administration created the Disinformation Governance Board. The ominously titled group would be within the DHS and charged with combating “disinformation” concerning the southern border and Russia.

Many, however, saw the entity as having a much broader mission with the possible aim of curtailing political speech contrary to the administration’s narrative. It was quickly referred to as the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.”

Jankowicz, a former adviser to Ukraine, was appointed by the White House as the board’s executive director.

However, conservatives erupted over the creation of the board and its nebulous mission. Their justifiable concern was the role the government panel would play in censoring speech by ordinary Americans.

Many statements by Jankowicz were unearthed as well as her record concerning free speech. She was tremendously vocal in her attempts to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation, which now has been proven quite credible.

The uproar was so fierce that the board was paused and Jankowicz resigned. The DHS permanently dismantled the entity in August.