Gamers Call For COD Boycott Over Pride Month Punishment

One of the globe’s most prominent professional video game players is being punished for defending children from radical gender ideology, and many are calling for a boycott of the “Call of Duty” franchise in response.
Nick Kolcheff goes by the gamer name “Nickmercs.” He is one of the top players of the wildly successful “Call of Duty” video game series and the most popular COD player on the streaming platform Twitch.
But now he now, he has run afoul of Activision in their recognition of Pride Month, and the corporation announced on Twitter that they removed Kolcheff’s “skin” from the store.
The posting said that, “Due to recent events, we have removed the ‘NICKMERCS Operator’ bundle from the Modern Warfare II and Warzone store. We are focused on celebrating PRIDE with our employees and our community.”
His sin was simple. He responded to a tweet showing a video of Armenian and Hispanic parents protesting the indoctrination of their children with LGBT ideology outside a Los Angeles County school district building where a meeting was being held.
Radical Antifa agitators showed up and a violent clash with concerned parents ensued, with three people being arrested during the altercation.
Kolcheff responded to the image, stating, “They should leave little children alone. That’s the real issue.”
The tweet has now been viewed 11.3 million times and garnered over 75,000 likes. Defending small children was apparently too much for Activision, but those waiting for an apology from the video game influencer will need a lot of patience.
Nickmercs posted a video saying while he “didn’t mean to upset anybody, he is “not apologizing for the tweet,” adding, “I don’t think it’s wrong.”
He pointed out that it should be parents talking to children about these issues as opposed to teachers. In a refreshing development, hundreds of gamers have come to the defense of Kolcheff and are calling for a boycott of the COD franchise.
One top player named “Dr. Disrespect” described the Activision decision as “pathetic” and pledged not to play the games until Nickmercs’ bundle is reinstated and he receives an apology.
Another gamer, Vara Dark, called for a mass boycott to combat the giant corporation’s “canceling” of Nickmerc over his social media posting.