‘God Is Trans’: NYC Catholic Church Unveils Controversial Exhibit

The LGBT agenda has taken root in practically every sector of American society, but critics of the so-called “woke” ideology are particularly concerned by its impact on communities of faith.
Of course, this trend is nothing new, since left-leaning denominations have long expressed support for same-sex marriage, LGBT pastors and other ostensibly inclusive policies.
This week, however, a Roman Catholic church in New York City pushed the envelope even further with its proclamation that God would identify as transgender. A controversial exhibit on display at Manhattan’s Church of St. Paul the Apostle leaves little doubt about its argument with the title: “God is Trans: A Queer Spiritual Journey.”
The position appears to be at odds with the Vatican’s 2019 proclamation asserting that transgenderism amounts to a “fictitious construct” built on “self-contradictory” assertions that “actually presuppose the very sexual difference that they propose to negate or supersede.”
Furthermore, the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education lamented transgender ideology’s “effect of obscuring the fact that a person’s sex is a structural determinant of male or female identity.”
One parish in New York clearly disagrees, however, and its exhibit includes works of art that, among other things, declare: “There is no devil, just past selves.”
According to the church’s promotion of “God is Trans,” the display “maps the queer spiritual journey by three significant points: Sacrifice, Identity and Communion.”
While this full-throated endorsement of radical gender ideology might earn the Church of St. Paul the Apostle some faint praise from typically anti-religious leftists, a number of church members are clearly upset with its political pandering.
“The church should not be promoting this,” said one parishioner quoted in a New York Post article. “I understand there are transgender people. I pray for all people but enough is enough. It seems like they are trying to force the agenda on others.”
The individual said that when a friend asked for clarification about the exhibit, a priest refused to provide an answer.
Even one parishioner who said that St. Paul’s “very liberal” ideology is why she loves the church so much acknowledged that she does not “understand the art” displayed in the “God is Trans” exhibit.