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Hunter Biden’s Attorney Suggests ‘Sit Down’ With Oversight Committee Chair

Anastasia Boushee
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According to CBS’ Catherine Herridge, an attorney for Hunter Biden has proposed a “sit down” with House Oversight Committee Chair Rep. James Comer (R-KY), soon after Comer made the committee’s first official requests for documents from the president’s son and brother, James Biden.

During the Oversight Committee hearing, Democrats tried desperately to make the Hunter Biden laptop story go away — even claiming that it is “half-fake,” that it is a “political conspiracy theory” and that investigating the matter is a “trivial pursuit.”


Meanwhile, Comer made his first requests for documents from Hunter and James Biden regarding the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.

In letters first obtained by CBS News, the Republican Oversight Committee chair informed Hunter Biden, James Biden and their then-business manager that he is requesting documents and communications from them as part of the committee’s investigation into President Joe Biden’s involvement in their business schemes — especially foreign business deals “with individuals who were connected to the Chinese Communist Party.”

In his letter, Comer accused Hunter and James Biden of receiving “significant amounts of money from foreign companies without providing any known legitimate services.”

Abbe David Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, has denied Comer’s request for documents and information — claiming in a letter sent Thursday that it has “no legislative purpose.”


“Peddling your own inaccurate and baseless conclusions under the guise of a real investigation, turns the Committee into ‘Wonderland’ and you into the Queen of Hearts shouting, ‘sentence first, verdict afterwards,’” Lowell wrote.

The attorney went on to claim that the Oversight Committee’s assertion — that their investigation into potential influence-peddling will assist with “drafting legislation to strengthen ethics laws regarding public officials and their families” — is an “attempt to invent a legislative purpose that is thinly veiled, at best.”

Lowell then offered to have a “sit down” with Comer, Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and committee staff to discuss whether Hunter Biden has any information “that may inform some legitimate legislative purpose.”

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s legal team has begun to threaten lawsuits against individuals who shared information from his laptop — and has even sent letters to the Department of Justice and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office demanding they initiate investigations into those individuals, including Rudy Giuliani, former Biden family business partner Tony Bobulinski and the owner of the computer repair shop where Hunter abandoned his laptop, John Paul Mac Isaac.

These letters are the first acknowledgement by Hunter Biden’s team that the laptop, or at least the data on it, does belong to the president’s son — despite their insistence that they are not admitting it.