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IDF Confirms Elimination Of Key Hamas Terrorist

Anastasia Boushee
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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced they carried out a successful attack on Hamas terrorists in Gaza this week and killed a key leader. Adil Mismah was the Nukhba commander of Deir al Balah in Gaza before being eliminated by Jewish forces.

He played a lead role in the horrific massacre of over 1,200 Israeli citizens on Oct. 7.

The IDF posted on X, formerly Twitter, that Mismah led terrorist forces into the kibbutz of Kissufim. The Jerusalem Post reported that the deceased commanded invaders and was heavily involved in fighting against Israel’s retaliation.


According to reports, Israeli ground forces directed the IDF airstrike to the precise location of Mismah and his terrorist cohorts.

The campaign to root Hamas out of the Gaza Strip has been ongoing for nearly three months. The IDF looks to shift to a new phase of the operation which will feature extensive targeted operations designed to eradicate militants.

These would largely replace the airstrikes that have targeted Hamas for several weeks.

The turning of the calendar, however, did not slow the Israeli offensive to root out the barbaric attackers of Oct. 7. 


On Monday in northern Gaza’s Shejaia, military forces blasted multiple Hamas targets. They included what officials described as a “compound for conducting warfare” used by both the terrorist group and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

IDF personnel further targeted a location near a mosque that served as a command and control center. Soldiers seized what were described as massive stockpiles of weapons used against Israeli targets.

The Israeli Navy rang in 2024 by striking several enemy targets across the Gaza Strip. And the Jerusalem Post reported that in Khan Yunis, soldiers directed fighter jets to precision strikes on a militant who had been launching rockets into Israel.

It is safe to say there will be no more incoming missiles from at least one source.

It is also certain that Israel is not buckling under pressure from leftist forces to halt its military operation against Hamas terrorists. The pledge to continue until the organization is uprooted from Gaza and no longer a threat is in full force.