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Kari Lake Tells Piers Morgan Her Thoughts On His Opinion

Darian Douraghy
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Outspoken conservative Kari Lake let commentator Piers Morgan know exactly why she is so well-known when she candidly dismissed his opinions surrounding advocacy for election integrity: “I frankly don’t give a d— what you think about it.”

Morgan told Lake that there was no evidence for her claims that then-Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

“There’s been no independent corroboration that there was anything fraudulent about this election. In fact, it’s pretty clear that you lost to Katie Hobbs,” Morgan stated in reference to lawsuits filed by Lake, some of which are still being pursued. 


“There’s a mountain of hard evidence. And when we presented it in our trial, the other side didn’t even dispute the evidence. They didn’t,” countered Lake. “We can’t continue to run elections this way. And we know that we won and we’re going to continue to fight this in a court of law. And it’s really rich that you’re sitting across the pond acting like you know what happened on Election Day.”

Lake pointed out that Morgan had not been on the ground on Arizona’s election day, suggesting it stopped him from seeing the full picture. “I did not see your smiling face,” she quipped. “We had lots of international media here covering Election Day in Arizona. Yours is one face I didn’t see.”

She additionally noted that many voting locations frequented by Republicans in Arizona experienced issues that could have created voter disenfranchisement.

Morgan rebutted, “there does come a point when for the future of democracy, you and Donald Trump have to accept at some point you lost an election. Otherwise, the entire system collapses.”

Lake refused to back down, telling Morgan, “I can’t walk 10 feet without an Arizonan saying, ‘I voted for you. Everybody I know voted for you. Our ballot was rejected on Election Day. Please keep fighting for us.’ I’m fighting for the people of Arizona. And I don’t mean any offense to you, but I frankly don’t give a d— what you think about it. I’m fighting for the people of Arizona.”

Morgan answered, “No offense taken whatsoever,” before saying, “All I know from my lofty place here in London, and I admit I wasn’t in Arizona, all I know is that all the official fact-checking entities that have looked into all the claims do not conclude that you did anything other than lose that election.”

“We have the strongest election lawsuit this country has ever seen; it is in the appellate court, it’s moving forward quickly,” Lake emphatically declared. “The fake news, of course, doesn’t want to cover that, so they want to create some palace intrigue on what’s happening.”

Lake caught media attention earlier this week after she was seen not standing during Super Bowl LVII’s playing of what many have dubbed ‘the Black national anthem.’ Her decision to remain seated for the divisive display drew praise and criticism alike