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LGBT Banners Disallowed At Staten Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Darian Douraghy
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As was reported by BlazeMedia, people who feel the need to openly celebrate the concept of being LGBT are free to do so at a myriad of events held in New York City annually. 

Now, some LGBT groups are expressing frustration after New York’s Staten Island St. Patrick’s Day Parade chose once again to not allow people representing these groups to march with and display LGBT banners during the parade.

A Twitter user reacted to the news, commenting, “Thanks. I’m so sick of the alphabet people they have to invade everything.” 


As a result of the decision, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams has proclaimed he will not attend the event in protest, instead electing to join Rainbow Run — an LGBT pride function that is planned to be held at the same time as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Carol Bullock, who serves as Pride Center of Staten Island’s executive director, alleged that things got out of hand when her group tried putting in an application for the parade. According to Bullock, a man from the global media was physically pushed by event organizer Larry Cummings after he attempted to snap a photo of the group’s submission. 

“Once again, we were denied an opportunity to march in the parade. Let me be very clear: this is discriminatory and vile,” Bullock said on the matter.

Reports by CBS revealed that when being asked why these LGBT groups cannot display their desired banners at the parade, Cummings replied, “Please get them out of my face.”


CBS has notably harangued Cummings for years over his views that LGBT concepts should not be pushed on the masses during a St. Patrick’s Day parade, as seen in the video below: 

Upon being pressed to comment on the matter, Catholic League President Bill Donohue reportedly stated, “The parade celebrates St. Patrick…” and not an

Bullock has maintained that her LGBT organization does not have an
“orientation agenda,” arguably a curious comment to make when one considers that the entire basis of these so-called ‘pride’ parades her organization attends is to celebrate a certain, well-known type of proclivity.