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MSNBC’s Maddow Epically Melts Down After Trump’s Iowa Victory

Graham Perdue
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MSNBC blowhard Rachel Maddow ranted about fascists and authoritarians Monday night as it became clear that Iowa Republicans prefer former President Donald Trump over his media-endorsed alternatives.

The 45th president lapped the field, winning 51.03% of the vote to far surpass Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. For Maddow, this was a clear sign that the sky is indeed falling.

She declared, “If we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, if we are worried about the [potential rise] of fascism in this country, if we are worried about our democracy…the leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation.”


Maddow continued, placing the lion’s share of the blame on what she described as “radicalized” Republicans. The implication is clear.

The MSNBC host wanted her puny audience to draw a parallel between those engaged in religious jihad such as the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and rank-and-file GOP voters. In her world, tens of millions of Americans are now “radicalized” and must be stopped.

Maddow dismissed the entire Republican Party as one that has gone over a right-wing cliff. So much so, she warned, that conservative leaders are interchangeable — meaning any GOP candidate is poison to democracy.

Then the host announced that her network declined to air Trump’s victory speech after his Iowa trouncing of his opponents. 


Maddow claimed the spiteful decision was not done out of spite but to avoid giving the 2024 GOP frontrunner a platform. The height of arrogance soon followed.

She proclaimed, “the projected winner of the Iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech. We will keep an eye on that as it happens, we will let you know if there is any news made in that speech, anything noteworthy, something substantive and important.”

In other words, MSNBC will decide what Americans need to hear. This will be a pattern to endure through the November elections — mainstream media outlets wanting to serve as gatekeepers between Trump and voters.

Is it any wonder the electorate has turned away from corporate sources and toward unfiltered conservative platforms?