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Nancy Mace Blasts Conservatives Over Pro-Laws Passed After Roe V. Wade’s End 

Darian Douraghy
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Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) criticized many Republicans for pushing pro-life laws following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

“Even though I’m pro-life, I represent a pro-choice district, and I saw the tide change after Roe was overturned. We went [from being] mildly pro-choice to … [a] vast majority of voters being pro-choice after Roe v. Wade. It changed the entire electoral environment in ’22,” Mace explained while appearing on Fox News Sunday.

The South Carolina congresswoman tangled with conservative radio host Stew Peters over her abortion views, leading to HuffPost sharing a piece titled, “Rep. Nancy Mace Destroys Far-Right Host Who Attacked Her Looks During Abortion Debate.”


Mace’s response to Peters’ comments against her drew numerous praises from ostensibly left-wing online users of Twitter. 

“Some of the stances we’ve taken, especially when it comes to rape and incest and protecting the life of the mother, it’s so extreme… the independent voters… they cannot support this,” claimed Mace. “If we’re gonna ban abortion, what are we doing to make sure women have access to birth control?”


Mace asserted that some pro-life groups have become “over-the-top and extreme” and that a middle ground for the issue is needed. She additionally proclaimed to have “a great pro-life voting record,” before adding, “but some of the stances we’ve taken, especially when it comes to rape and incest, protecting the life of a mother, it’s so extreme, the middle — the independent voters, right of center, left of center, they cannot support us.”

During the same appearance, Mace blasted Republicans over what she described as their silence on mass shootings.

“Republicans can no longer be silent on this issue,” Mace told anchor Shannon Bream. “It’s not about the Second Amendment. There are plenty of things that we could be doing besides offering prayers and silence.” Ideas she offered to make schools safer for kids include an amber alert system that would inform those who are near a mass shooting, strengthen background checks, and stranger security systems at vulnerable locations such as schools and churches.

Life News posted against Mace online, calling her a “sellout” who is unable to stand up for babies killed by abortions.