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Politico Claims Taylor Swift Could ‘Tilt Florida Blue’

Eric Simmons
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The mainstream media’s obsession with Taylor Swift and her supposed impact on elections continues — as Politico is now questioning whether the popstar could make “Democrats’ wildest dream” come true by flipping deep-red Florida blue.

“Could Taylor Swift tilt Florida blue? It’s Democrats’ wildest dream,” a Politico headline read, citing questions about why the popstar named a song on her new album “Florida!!!” and Swift’s decision to schedule three concerts in Miami ahead of the November elections.

The outlet also quoted the first Gen Z member of Congress, Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL), who argued that Swift could help swing the state back to the Democrats. Florida used to be a key swing state but has recently given Republicans supermajorities in the state legislature and re-elected Gov. Ron DeSantis by a nearly 20% margin in 2022.


“It’s so close to the election, and we hope that there’s a message included to encourage folks, especially her fans, to go vote,” Frost told Politico, referring to Swift’s fervent fanbase. “We need the help.”

According to the outlet, Democrats are planning to hold voter registration drives at Swift’s concerts, as well as “listening sessions and karaoke parties of her music as part of ‘A Day of Action (Taylor’s Version)’ when her new album is released in April.”

Politico went on to explain that Democrats are desperately hoping for the popstar to use her Miami concerts to discuss politics with her fans.

“Jayden D’Onofrio, who chairs the Florida Democratic Party’s Youth Council, said party members would be at all Swift’s concerts to ensure they’re engaging young people,” the outlet wrote. “D’Onofrio, who also leads the Florida Future Leaders PAC geared toward high school and college students, added: ‘People care about her. People understand the importance of her. She is a youth icon.’”

“That Florida Democrats are pinning their hopes on a mega star like Swift speaks volumes of the state of the party,” the article continued. “The once reliable swing state now leans Republican, with the GOP holding supermajorities in the state Legislature as well as every position in the Cabinet. Republicans outnumber Democrats in voter registration numbers by almost 780,000 voters and former President Donald Trump won Florida in 2016 and 2020.”


Meanwhile, Swift has not yet announced any endorsements for the upcoming election, even though she previously endorsed President Joe Biden in 2020. Many in the pro-Biden mainstream media have repeatedly insisted that Swift’s endorsement could help Biden in his re-election efforts, though there is little to no evidence to back up those claims.

An often-cited poll related to these claims was the January 18 Newsweek survey of 1,500 eligible voters, which found that 18% of respondents are “more likely” or “significantly more likely” to vote for a candidate endorsed by the popstar. However, outlets citing this poll as proof of her influence fail to take into consideration the fact that 17% of respondents reported being less likely to vote for a Swift-approved candidate — meaning that her endorsement would essentially only make a 1% difference, as the number of people swayed by her endorsement is essentially the same as the number of people dissuaded by her endorsement.