Popular Philadelphia Restaurant Hires Armed Guards To Protect Customers

A very popular cheesesteak restaurant in Philadelphia has been forced to hire armed guards to protect its customers from the violent crime plaguing the city.
Philadelphia, like many other Democrat-run cities, has been facing an increase in violent crime, homelessness and drug use in recent years — and many businesses have had to take matters into their own hands to deal with the problems.
As Jim’s West Steaks and Hoagies is so popular that lines of customers can go down the block, patrons are exposed to potential street violence. Thus, the business has decided to hire a few armed guards to patrol the area while the customers are standing in line.
Speaking with local TV station WPVI-TV, Jim’s West chief financial officer Saul Landers explained: “Our lines are down the block, so while you’re standing here in line, connecting with other people you may not know, we have security right here just to keep you guys safe.”
The restaurant’s co-owner, Cortez Johnson, also spoke with the outlet — expressing his concerns about the effects of skyrocketing crime in Philadelphia on his customers.
“The violence has spiked. It goes up and down. You want people to feel safe and be safe. So when they come out and eat, they don’t have to worry about no type of harm,” Cortez said.
Jim’s West Steaks and Hoagies hired their armed guards from Presidential Protection Services, which is owned by Kevon Darden — who has personally guarded customers outside of the cheesesteak restaurant.
Darden explained to the outlet that the security guards who protect customers are sworn and certified by the state of Pennsylvania to do security work — adding that his armed guards are former military, police or law enforcement.
According to Landers, the threat of violence in Philadelphia has gotten so bad that businesses have been forced to “spend that extra money” to keep their customers and employees safe.
Jim’s West Steaks and Hoagies has experienced crime first-hand. The Philly Voice reported: “In 2015, the West Philly Jim’s location was targeted by armed robbers, who reportedly made off with $215 in cash stolen from the register and customers who were in the store at the time.”
WPVI-TV spoke with several customers about the armed security outside the restaurant.
One customer noted: “If it deters [crime], I can’t complain. I’m not a big fan of guns, but I get it.”
Meanwhile, another customer complained about the presence of guns, claiming that an armed guard “walking around with a machine gun” means that the restaurant is “not family-friendly.”
Of course, the security guard didn’t have a “machine gun,” he had an AR-15.
The violence in Philadelphia has also promoted a nearby Karco Gas Station in North Philadelphia to hire armed guards.