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Republicans Demand To Interview CIA Officials Who Discredited Hunter’s Laptop

Anastasia Boushee
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The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee have demanded that 29 CIA officials who joined the effort to discredit the New York Post’s report on Hunter Biden’s laptop appear to give transcribed interviews.

On Wednesday, Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) both demanded the CIA officials appear before their committees, noting that they must also disclose documentation regarding their debunked claims.

The Republican lawmakers sent letters to each of the CIA officials requesting the transcribed interviews and for them to “arrange for the production of the outstanding material.”


Jordan and Turner went on to note these CIA officials had signed on to a letter that attempted to discredit the New York Post’s article — trying to dismiss revelations that the Biden family had engaged in shady foreign business deals while President Joe Biden was in political office, and that the president himself was potentially corrupt.

The infamous letter — which was released in an article written by Politico reporter Natasha Bertrand titled “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say” — was quickly debunked soon after being published, but that didn’t stop the left from continuing to use it as justification for lying about the story and censoring anyone who shared it on social media.

Critics have asserted that the censorship and the lies from the CIA officials directly influenced the results of the 2020 election, and evidence has emerged that this is likely true. The Washington Times reported: “Trump pollster John McLaughlin found that 4.6% of Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known about it, easily enough to flip results in key states. Another survey by The Polling Company showed that even more Biden voters in seven swing states — 17% — would have switched their votes if they had been aware of the laptop and other stories.”

Many mainstream media organizations, personalities and Democrat politicians continued to use the letter to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story months after Politico published it.

“This request, to include a request for a transcribed interview before the Committees, remains outstanding. These documents and your testimony are necessary to further our oversight,” Jordan and Turner wrote. “As we begin the 118th Congress, we write again to reiterate our outstanding request and ask that you immediately comply in full.”

“You have been on notice about our oversight request—and aware the request is outstanding—for months. For your convenience, we have attached the letter from the Judiciary Committee dated April 6, 2022. To date, you have not complied with this request. Accordingly, we reiterate our requests and ask that you comply promptly,” the Republican congressmen added.

Now that it is clear that the information on the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden, it is also clear that those who signed on to the letter attempting to discredit it were wrong — and were likely aware that they were lying.

The letter comes as numerous investigations into the Biden family are being conducted by multiple Republican-led committees. One investigation by the House Oversight Committee is currently probing nine alleged violations committed by the Biden family business, including money laundering and wire fraud.