Disney has once again upped the ante on its drive to indoctrinate American children in woke ideology. The entertainment giant recently released the second season of...
Parents are outraged after discovering that prostitutes have been soliciting right outside a California elementary school — and a law passed by California Democrats has made...
Crocs shoes has long been a favorite brand of American families, but its commitment to woke ideology could drive many customers away. Crocs is now sponsoring...
The Biden administration has placed a priority on diversity as defined on the far-left, going to great lengths to appoint minorities, women, and members of the...
The rise of so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policies at companies and schools in recent years has been heralded by leftists who support identity-based preferential treatment....
During an appearance on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” on Tuesday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) revealed that an anonymous tip line had exposed “left-wing social engineering” in...
The city of San Francisco, California, has announced a new monthly stimulus program exclusively for transgender residents, which will pay each individual $1,200 a month for...
A Colorado school board has been caught lying to parents about promoting students behaving as “furries” in schools, leading to disruption of the education process. The...
As American leftists push forward with their effort to “cancel” celebrities and ordinary citizens who engage in speech or behavior that they deem problematic, an increasing...
Elected officials on both sides of the aisle have called for increased military funding and support for Ukraine following Russia’s invasion earlier this year, but Rep....
Concerns about unfair competitive advantages for trans female athletes was on stark display recently during a high school volleyball game in North Carolina. According to reports,...