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Trump Wants To Debate Biden ‘Immediately,’ Biden Refuses

Anastasia Boushee
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Former president and GOP primary frontrunner Donald Trump has expressed his desire to debate President Joe Biden “immediately,” but Biden has refused.

During a Monday interview on The Dan Bongino Show, Trump explained that he wanted to move forward with presidential debates. While he is still technically in the middle of a GOP primary, Trump is the clear frontrunner and polls indicate that his opponent, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R), has little to no chance of beating Trump unless one of the Democrats’ political prosecutions of the former president succeeds in disqualifying him from the presidency.

Trump argued that it would be “for the good of the country” to hold a debate between himself and his likely general election opponent.


“I’d like to call for, immediately, debates. I’d like to debate him now because we should debate,” Trump said, referring to Biden. “We should debate for the good of the country.”

Trump also pointed out that Biden has repeatedly declined a Super Bowl interview, telling Bongino that he would be happy to replace Biden in the interview.

“He can’t do it, because he can’t talk,” Trump said, referring to the reason behind Biden turning down the interview request.

Biden has responded to Trump’s debate challenge, dismissing the idea and instead insulting Trump.

“Well, if I were him, I’d want to debate me too,” the president told reporters in Las Vegas when asked about Trump’s comments.

“He’s got nothing else to do,” Biden added.

Critics immediately took to social media to argue that Biden is too fearful to debate Trump because of his clear cognitive decline and abysmal approval numbers.

“No chance he ever debates trump. Too much exposure that even the 37% that approve of him would see too much,” one user wrote.

“Biden avoids extensive public discussions with follow-up questions which is horrible for the US and the world,” another user noted.

It is clear from Biden’s public appearances that he has difficulty speaking for an extended period of time, especially as his team has been known to cut events short and usher reporters out of the room before they can ask the president questions.

Meanwhile, it has been proven that Biden’s team has asked reporters to give the president his questions ahead of time — with many viral images showing Biden holding “cue cards” with names and photos of reporters and the text of their questions. One viral incident came in 2023, where “a photographer captured a small cheat-sheet in the president’s hand signaling he had advanced knowledge of a question from Los Angeles Times journalist Courtney Subramanian. The small paper also included a picture of the reporter along with the pronunciation breakdown of her last name,” according to Fox News.