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Ukraine Fires U.S.-Made Missile Into Russia As Democratic Lawmaker Pushes For Automatic Draft Sign-Up

James King, MPA
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In a significant development in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war, Ukraine has fired a U.S.-manufactured missile into Russia for the first time. This move comes as Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, a Democratic lawmaker, faces backlash for her proposal to automate draft registration for men turning 18.

The use of American weapons to strike inside Russia marks a departure from the Biden administration’s previous policy, which had banned such actions out of concern for escalating tensions with the nuclear-armed nation. Ukraine reportedly requested that the ban be lifted after Russia began attacking Kharkiv earlier this month.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken hinted at the policy change last week, stating, “We haven’t encouraged or enabled strikes outside of Ukraine, but Ukraine, as I’ve said before, has to make its own decisions about the best way to effectively defend itself. We’re going to make sure that it has the equipment it needs to do that.”


Meanwhile, Rep. Houlahan’s proposal to streamline the draft registration process has been met with fierce criticism. Under the current system, men aged 18 to 25 are required to “voluntarily” register with Selective Service. Houlahan argues that automating the process would save taxpayer dollars and help young men avoid future challenges that can arise from not having registered.

However, critics have questioned why the proposal doesn’t include women and have accused Houlahan of trying to automate draft registration during a time of heightened international conflict. It’s worth noting that Houlahan previously supported legislation that would have required eligible women to also register for the draft.

In defense of her proposal, Houlahan points out that only 84 percent of qualified men signed up for Selective Service in 2022 and that the agency is set to spend $33 million this year to improve registration compliance rates.

Most U.S. states, territories, and Washington D.C. already automatically register eligible men for Selective Service when they obtain a driver’s license or other motor vehicle-related identification. Men who fail to sign up face severe consequences, including ineligibility for federal student aid, federal jobs, and security clearances, as well as the possibility of imprisonment or hefty fines.

As the Ukraine-Russia war continues to escalate and tensions rise, the controversy surrounding both the use of American weapons in the conflict and the proposal to automate draft registration is likely to persist, with critics and supporters weighing in on the potential implications of these developments.
