Ukrainian Refugee Shocked By Violence In San Francisco Schools

A Ukrainian refugee who landed in San Francisco was so stunned by the violence in her middle school that she wanted to return to her war-ravaged country.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Yana quickly found that her eighth grade classes at Marina Middle School did not resemble those she saw on television. Instead, they were pure chaos.
Yana told the outlet that students cursed teachers, jumped on desks and randomly disrupted classes. The results of their misbehaviors were even more shocking. “Nothing happened.”
As her aunt translated for the Chronicle, the young refugee said she “thought it was going to be better because it’s San Francisco. But after two days, I saw everything going on at the school.”
It took very little time for the new student to realize that what she saw was “normal” for a big city American school.
Even worse, a young lady who escaped a horrific war found herself a target for bullies in her new country. Yana reported that her cellphone was stolen and she was threatened by a group of students.
Her experiences are hardly abnormal in a district that took a dramatic shift to the far-left in recent years, but they are tragic considering her circumstances. It is heartbreaking to think of the change in outlook that quickly overtook Yana as reality sank in.
Now she says she just wants to return to her hometown in besieged central Ukraine. But with no end in sight to the war, she may be forced to deal with the U.S. education system for substantially longer.
Marina Middle School was in the news in January after a San Francisco Examiner report highlighted the troubled culture students and faculty must endure. The outlet interviewed several teachers, counselors, and security staff who recounted shocking recent events.
They included students making videos of themselves beating another student and three female middle schoolers attacking a special education pupil. Students reportedly scream at teachers, attack each other with food, and bully others until many are afraid to go to the bathroom.
The paper described the facility as “barely controlled chaos.”
It is unthinkable that a Ukrainian refugee ended up in a middle school situation that was so violent and deplorable that she wishes she were back at home. It also speaks volumes for a so-called “progressive” city to have to endure such violence and mayhem in its schools.