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VP Harris Compares Ferguson Riots To Battle Of Gettysburg

Chris Agee
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Vice President Kamala Harris has earned the dubious distinction of becoming even more unpopular than President Joe Biden over the course of the past three years as Americans have gotten a chance to witness her bizarre comments, cackling laughter and far-left pandering on a regular basis. 

In commemoration of Martin Luther King Day, she appeared in South Carolina to deliver a characteristically partisan screed apparently likening the destructive riots in Missouri nearly a decade ago to a monumental moment that shifted the trajectory of the Civil War.

“I do believe the true power behind the promise of America is in the faith of her people,” the vice president declared. “The promise of America, I do believe, is in the faith of the people — our faith in the founding principles of our nation and our profound commitment to make those principles real.”


Harris went on to connect a series of events that, at least in her mind, signaled steps forward in the pursuit of that promise.

“Generation after generation, on the fields of Gettysburg, in the schools of Little Rock, on the grounds of this state house and on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives, we the people have always fought to make the promise of freedom real.”

Following the police-related death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, protests soon devolved into acts of vandalism and looting. The riots reignited later in the year when the officer involved in Brown’s death was acquitted of the criminal charges against him.

The same week that Harris seemed to equate that lawlessness with the battle that reunified a fractured nation, she also appeared on ABC’s “The View” to reiterate her belief that the United States is inexorably suppressed by its racist roots.
Her remarks came in response to a recent statement from Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley, who declared that America is “not a racist country.”


While she acknowledged that as “a brown girl that grew up in a small rural town in South Carolina,” she experienced racism, the former United Nations ambassador said that “today is a lot better than it was then.”

For Harris, Haley’s assessment amounted to a condemnable lie, and she told the co-hosts of “The View” that it was “unfortunate that there are some who would deny fact, or overlook it, when in fact, moving toward progress requires that we speak truth.”