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Biden Focuses On Concert Ticket Prices Amid Economic Disaster

Chris Agee
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Instead of enacting policies that would stem the tide of illegal immigration or reduce the price of gas and other essentials for Americans struggling to afford the necessities amid rampant inflation, President Joe Biden continues to focus on the niche issue of so-called “junk fees” associated with concert tickets.

While there is a case to be made that behemoth companies like TicketMaster tack on added expenses to the already high admission price of various entertainment events, many social media users bristled at Biden’s decision to prioritize this issue while allowing costs to soar in other facets of the economy.

Biden has been harping on junk fees throughout much of his time in office, including remarks in October that hinged on his administration’s ostensible effort to reduce surprise charges tacked on by hotels, cable companies, banks and other entities.

“These are junk fees,” he said. “They benefit big corporations. Not consumers. Not working families. And that changes now.”

During the same event, he touted a new Federal Trade Commission rule designed to address “unfair and deceptive fees across all industries,” identifying concert tickets and resorts as two of his administration’s primary focuses.

“We’re just getting started,” Biden said. “There’s tens of billions of dollars and other junk fees across the economy that I’m directing my administration to reduce or eliminate.”

In a healthy economy, such a narrow focus would likely attract some bipartisan approval. Given the inflation and uncertainty that the Biden administration’s policies have wrought, however, critics see the president’s priorities as out of touch with the needs of the American people.


As the perennially unpopular president pursues re-election, his campaign has attempted to sell voters on the notion that “Bidenomics” has actually been good for working-class citizens.

A clear majority of Democrats do not want him to seek another term in the White House. Aside from concerns about his age and cognitive health, his handling of the economy is a common cause for voter opposition.

Multiple polls have reflected a steady trend, including one released last month that found 62% of Americans believe Biden has mishandled inflation with only about one-third of respondents approving of his policies.

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