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Black Teen Arrested For Allegedly Faking Hate Crime

Chris Agee
Kat Wilcox, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
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While prominent leftists including President Joe Biden continue to portray White supremacists as the nation’s most pressing security threat, several recent reports of supposedly racist attacks have been exposed as completely fabricated hoaxes.

Most recently, authorities in Alabama reportedly arrested 18-year-old Pharrell Smith, who is Black, on suspicion of terrorism for pretending to be a White supremacist in a social media post that threatened to kill Black attendees at a county fair.

Police say Smith referenced the Lee County Fair in a post vowing “to kill every NEGRO” that he and other White supremacist gang members “lay eye contact on so be prepared.”


He capped off that threatening post with one that promoted “WHITE POWER,” and local authorities were soon informed of the troubling posts. 

At first, the Opelika Police Department released a statement confirming that officers had been “made aware of a racially inflammatory post on Facebook where an individual threatened to shoot attendees of a certain demographic at the upcoming Lee County Fair.”

The statement went on to note that security at the fair would be boosted in response, adding: “Opelika Police take threats like these very seriously.”

The ensuing investigation led officers to determine that Smith created a hoax account filled with images of Confederate flags. 

In an update to its initial statement, police confirmed that they were able to “trace the social media account to a residence in Lafayette, AL” and Smith “was developed as a suspect.”


Although police did not reference the fact that the incident was an apparent hoax in the public statement, a mugshot clearly shows that Smith is Black.

From disgraced actor Jussie Smollett staging a supposedly racist attack to NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace erroneously reporting the discovery of a noose at Talladega Speedway, there have been numerous high-profile cases that were, at least initially, publicized in the media as evidence of rampant White supremacy.

Nevertheless, Biden has repeatedly amplified the claim that racist White Americans pose a greater national security threat than any other group.
As recently as last month, the president cited statistics claiming that “domestic terrorism rooted in White supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat to our homeland today.”