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Comer Says Documents Show ‘Biden Family Was Getting Money’ From The CCP

Anastasia Boushee
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House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has revealed that the committee has obtained bank records showing how the Biden family was “getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.”

During an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Comer was asked by host Maria Bartiromo about the information he has learned in the last two weeks since his previous appearance on her show.

The Oversight Committee chairman began by revealing that, while the Biden administration has been stonewalling, he has received bank records from “individuals” that work “with our community.”


“We’ve had a very good two weeks. We are finally having people cooperate with us. I think we all know the Biden administration is stonewalling. Janet Yellen is stonewalling, not turning over the bank violations,” Comer said.

“But fortunately, since we’ve last spoken, we actually have bank records in hand. We have individuals who are working with our community,” the Kentucky congressman added.

Comer did not specify who the individuals were, but did claim that they have “ties in” with President Joe Biden and his family.

“In the last two weeks, we’ve met with either these individuals personally or with their attorneys,” he said. “And that would be four individuals who had ties in with the Biden family on their various schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents that show just exactly how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.”


He went on to assert that the evidence he has received is “as bad as we thought,” and noted that he was glad that the Biden administration has been stonewalling because the information the committee received from a different source has given them a “stronger case” for the documents being withheld by the government.

“It’s very concerning,” Comer said. “And in a way, I’m kind of glad that the Biden attorney and the Biden administration’s been stonewalling us, because when I requested that information two weeks ago versus today because of what we have in hand now, we have a lot stronger case in court for why we need these documents that the Biden family’s withholding and that the government’s withholding.”

“So they have unintentionally helped our case in our quest to get these documents to where we can give the American people the truth and the transparency that they deserve out of their leaders in Washington,” he continued.