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Don Lemon Is In Trouble Again At CNN

Anastasia Boushee
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After being demoted and moved to a morning show, CNN host Don Lemon is in trouble again following a new report that tensions have been rising on the set and he screamed at a co-host.

Amid the continued downfall of left-wing media, CNN’s ratings across all their shows have been dropping for months.

Red State reports that CNN’s ratings are “the lowest they’ve been at in nine years for the week beginning Jan. 16 to Jan. 22. Chris Wallace’s show, which was kept after CNN+ imploded, is tanking big time in the latest ratings and it’s karma served up to Wallace, who fled Fox News.”


After Lemon’s evening show was canceled and he was moved to “CNN This Morning,” the new show is reportedly receiving bad ratings as well.

Meanwhile, a new report from the New York Post has stated that tensions are crazy on the set of the new morning show — revealing that Lemon had screamed at co-host Kaitlan Collins in December during an ugly incident that reportedly upset the cast and crew.

Two sources with knowledge of the incident claimed that Lemon, 56, had approached 30-year-old Collins after the December 8 broadcast of “CNN This Morning” and berated her in front of staffers while accusing her of “interrupting” him on air.

“Don screamed at Kaitlan, who was visibly upset and ran out of the studio,” one source said.

“At this point, Kaitlan wants to be on set with Don as little as possible,” another source added. “It’s messy.”


CNN’s new CEO Chris Licht was apparently appalled after hearing about the incident and told a producer to speak to Lemon about his behavior and tell him to “cool off.”

Producers have also reportedly told Lemon “not to talk so much, to let other people talk.”

Rumors have circulated that Lemon doesn’t like to share the spotlight with his two co-hosts — especially considering he used to host his own show alone. He is also reportedly not happy and thinks the focus should be on him.

“Don has an intractable ego,” a source close to both Licht and Lemon told the New York Post. “My understanding is he wants the show to be about him. I don’t know how you fix that. It’s a very difficult situation.”

The night after the incident, Lemon and his two co-hosts were supposed to attend the White House Christmas party together, but they all reportedly attended the event separately. After the party, Lemon had a late dinner with his agent, Jay Sures, who is also Collins’ agent.

Collins’ relationship with Sures has reportedly gone downhill lately. Sures, who represents many clients at CNN, met with the network’s CEO on Thursday.

All of these issues have led some to speculate that Lemon’s time at CNN is coming to an end, especially considering the bad ratings and his outbursts.

John Nicosia of Newscycle, who has had some good sources about the happenings at CNN, noted in a tweet that most people in management at CNN “knew this combination would fail and Don’s ego couldn’t handle going from his own show to sharing. They will fire him based on his behavior and ratings. Stay tuned.”