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Even CNN Calls Schiff Out For False Impeachment Claims

Anastasia Boushee
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Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who was recently removed from the House Intelligence Committee, has lied to the American people so much that even CNN is calling him out.

The California Democrat faced scrutiny during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, with host Dana Bash calling him out for past examples of his politicization of intelligence information for partisan gain.

While discussing Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) removing Schiff from the Intelligence Committee, Bash pointed to the Democrat congressman’s lie about having seen “evidence” of collusion between former President Donald Trump and Russia.


“You said that there was direct evidence of the fact that Donald Trump colluded with Russia back in 2016. Special counsel Robert Mueller said in his report — quote — ‘The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government,’” the CNN host said. “Republicans argue that’s proof that you used your position the Intelligence Committee to intentionally mislead Americans, which is why you should not be on that committee.”

Schiff responded by claiming that the direct quote from Mueller’s report did not actually say what Bash was saying that it said — arguing that collusion had occurred because the report showed that then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign manager had shared internal campaign polling data with a Russian agent.

“To most Americans, that is collusion,” Schiff claimed. “Now, whether it’s proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the crime of conspiracy — that’s what Bob Mueller was talking about — I have always distinguished between the two.”

Bash pushed back on Schiff’s insistence that he had not lied by highlighting another example of the Democrat congressman’s lies — something that Republicans have cited as a reason they do not want him on the Intelligence Committee.


“Ahead of the first Trump impeachment, you said the committee had not spoken to a whistle-blower,” Bash said. “In fact, that turned out not to be true.”

“When I was asked the question, I thought they were referring to whether we had brought the whistle-blower in,” Schiff claimed. “And I should have been more clear in my answer.”

The CNN host responded by pointing to a fact check from The Washington Post revealing that Schiff’s claims about the whistleblower were false.