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Gaetz Dismisses ‘Frontman’ Jeffries, Says Pelosi Still Controls Democrats

Chris Agee
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Although House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) officially holds the title of the chamber’s top Democrat, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) believes someone else is calling the shots behind the scenes.

During a recent Newsmax TV interview, the Florida Republican claimed that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “still rules with an iron fist.”

Pelosi is still a member of Congress but stepped down from the leadership position after her party lost control of the House in last year’s election.


“With great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek re-election to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said in November after leading the party for 20 years. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect. I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

Gaetz asserted that while her official title is gone, her influence remains.

“By the way, she’s still the one in charge of that conference,” he said. “I mean, Hakeem Jeffries is the frontman, but the person who’s really calling the shots among the Democrats is Nancy Pelosi.”

Meanwhile, Gaetz’s party is currently without a titular leader following a vote earlier this month to vacate the speakership. 

Gaetz led the charge to oust former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Seven fellow Republicans and every House Democrat voted in favor of the motion.


He denounced McCarthy’s leadership at the time, claiming the former speaker had been “willing to partner with conservatives on the frivolous, but whenever there was a spending matter, he partnered with Democrats.”

Gaetz, who has endorsed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to replace McCarthy, rejected calls for a recess in the aftermath of the historic vote to vacate the speakership. 

“We should get to electing a new, more conservative, more trustworthy speaker immediately,” he said. “This is not the time to go home for a week. We should stay and elect a new speaker.”

Since then, however, some Republicans have shown a desire to work with Democrats in order to secure a new speaker, prompting backlash from Gaetz and other conservative GOP lawmakers.

Rep. Mike Lee (R-UT) slammed some of his fellow Republicans in a social media post pleading: “If you’re a House Republican, please vote for Jim Jordan — not Hakeem Jeffries.”

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