Lieu Changes Tune To Defend Biden, Says Border Has Always Been A Crisis

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) contradicted past statements during the House Judiciary Committee hearing on the border crisis on Wednesday, changing his tune from his comments during the Trump administration that there was no border crisis.
While Lieu was happy to claim that the border crisis did not exist in an effort to attack the actions of former President Donald Trump, he is now apparently trying to defend the Biden administration by arguing that the border crisis has always existed.
In his comments at the hearing, the Democrat congressman claimed that the border crisis has existed for at least fifty years.
“This hearing is titled Biden’s Border Crisis.’ That is completely wrong. It is not Biden’s border crisis. This has been a crisis for over half a century,” Lieu said.
Meanwhile, Lieu was singing a different tune when attacking Trump for pushing Congress to provide funds for updating the existing sections of border wall and building new wall along the southern border, claiming numerous times that there was no emergency or crisis.
“There is no big crisis at the border,” he wrote in a tweet.
“Does this look like we are having a ‘national emergency’? NO. There is no crisis at the southern border that would warrant a government shutdown. Mr. President: Reopen our government,” Lieu wrote in another tweet.
Alongside his tweets, Lieu also released a statement in 2019 calling Trump’s decision to declare a National Emergency a “fake declaration” and asserting that there was no emergency.
“Trump’s proposed Declaration of a National Emergency is an authoritarian power grab that will be struck down in the courts. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the ‘Power of the Purse’, and Trump cannot override the Constitution with a fake declaration. There is no national emergency,” the statement read.
Lieu’s chief of staff also parroted these talking points in 2019, sending out a tweet denying the existence of the border crisis.
“We don’t have a border crisis – we have a constitutional crisis,” Marc Cevasco, the Democrat congressman’s chief of staff, wrote.
Other Democrats spent their time during the Judiciary Committee hearing accusing Republicans of racism for daring to highlight the serious problems that Americans have been facing as a result of the border crisis under President Joe Biden — as record-breaking numbers of illegal aliens have been crossing the border since Biden took office.