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Mayorkas Affirms Federal Immigration Law Not His Priority

Holland McKinnie
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Joe Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defiantly defended his record as the nation’s chief officer over border security in an interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace last week. He insisted he would not resign, despite increasing scrutiny from House Republicans who have threatened to impeach him.

Mayorkas stated in his interview with Wallace that “our goal is to achieve operational control of the border, to do everything that we can to support our personnel with the resources, the technology, the policies that really advance the security of the border, and do not come at the cost of the values of our country.” He added that the definition of “secure” for the border is “subjective.”

He told Wallace that he did not feel compelled to enforce laws that work against his notion of America being a “nation of immigrants.” “The law needs to be changed if it does not either meet our highest ideals or actually proves to be functional in the service of those ideals,” said Mayorkas.

Mayorkas has opened numerous administrative loopholes for illegal immigration into the U.S., despite federal immigration laws that require asylum seekers to be detained and purely economic migrants to be excluded. He has also expanded the legal inflow of foreign graduates into Fortune 500 jobs capable American graduates could fill. 

Mayorkas’s pro-migration policies disadvantage Americans and their children, as they subordinate the value of their work to the interests of wealthy coastal investors and Wall Street. His policy decisions also drive down wages, push up housing prices and provide camouflage for Mexican criminals and cartels, leading to a huge migrant death toll.

In an August 2022 poll commissioned by the liberal outlet National Public Radio (NPR), 54% of Americans said Biden is allowing a southern border invasion. That majority included 76% of Republicans, 46% of independents, and even 40% of Democrats.


Mayorkas’s decisions rarely show any desire to help ordinary Americans succeed. As illegal migration continues to drive down wages and push up housing prices, it also shifts vast wealth from heartland states to coastal investors. The record influx of illegal border crossers also reduces the political power of U.S. citizens, allowing elites to be even less responsive to the needs and interests of ordinary Americans.