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Mike Lindell Calls Out DeSantis For Hosting Anti-Trump Attorney

Holland McKinnie
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has come under fire from MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for hosting a “defamation” panel with attorney Libby Locke, who represented Dominion Voting Systems in its lawsuit against Lindell. 

In the panel, Locke argued for making it easier for firms like Dominion to win defamation lawsuits against those who challenge the integrity of their products and services.

DeSantis praised Locke as “extraordinary at First Amendment and defamation law.” 


Locke said during the event that the way to protect her clients like Dominion from criticism is to impose stiffer “economic consequences” for untruthful reporting to “get ratings and to sell ads.” 

Lindell expressed his dismay at the DeSantis event and tweeted that the governor was “showing his true colors.”

Some commentators agree with Lindell that DeSantis’ decision to invite a lawyer for Dominion to a forum casting him in a favorable light is part of an establishment GOP plan to attack the Trump campaign and the MAGA movement.

DeSantis’ decision to host the panel has raised questions about his loyalty to the America First movement and his commitment to supporting individuals like Lindell, who has been targeted by powerful corporations for speaking out against alleged election irregularities. Lindell, an avid supporter of President Donald Trump, accused DeSantis of “showing his true colors” and subverting the America First movement.


DeSantis has been at odds with the media for years and has often criticized the “corporate press” for what he perceives as biased coverage. He has advocated for new laws to make it easier for people to sue news outlets for defamation, a position that is similar to Trump’s.

DeSantis has received backlash from the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. That group pointed to the Supreme Court’s New York Times v. Sullivan decision that requires public officials to prove a false statement about them was published “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

Even though he has famously battled the corporate press, DeSantis insisted at the panel that non-politicians should be the focus of revised libel laws.

Reports have shown DeSantis is considering proposing new legislation in Florida that would change the requirements for proving a libel case. The proposal would reportedly remove the necessity of proving “actual malice.” In addition, it would narrow the definition of “public figure” so that more people could avail themselves of a defamation case.