FBI Director Christopher Wray announced that his agency has successfully disrupted the activities of a second major Chinese hacking group known as “Flax Typhoon.” The announcement...
FDNY Commissioner Robert Tucker is facing increasing scrutiny over his connections to China just weeks after his appointment, as New York officials become entangled in a...
Reports of shoplifting and vehicle thefts in Springfield, Ohio, have risen sharply, coinciding with the arrival of thousands of Haitian refugees over the past three years....
Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in a recent assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, has revealed alarming views in his 2023 memoir. The book, co-written with...
Three Americans have been detained in Venezuela on accusations of plotting to “destabilize” the country through “violent actions,” according to Venezuelan officials. Venezuelan Interior Minister Diosdado...
Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, issued a subpoena on Tuesday to Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. The...
The town of Springfield, Ohio, with a population of just 56,000, is struggling to cope with an influx of illegal immigrants, particularly from Haiti. Since President...
A lawsuit filed in Arizona alleges that the state’s 15 counties are not fulfilling their legal duty to remove foreign nationals from the voter rolls. The...
Chase Bank has issued a stern warning to TikTok users who participated in a viral trend promising “free cash” through a so-called “money glitch.” The trend,...
Under the Biden-Harris administration, the digital privacy of Americans has never been more at risk. As cyberattacks grow more frequent and destructive, the government’s failure to...