Rep. Jordan Conducts First Hearing On ‘Biden Border Crisis’

Even as House Democrats attempt to deflect blame for the ongoing border crisis away from the Biden administration’s immigration policies, Republicans have made an effort to highlight the situation since taking control of the chamber earlier this year.
Earlier this week, the House Judiciary Committee conducted a hearing with a title that made it clear where the majority party places the blame.
“The Biden Border Crisis — Part One” took place on Wednesday and included testimony from individuals who have been negatively impacted by the record rate of illegal immigration over the course of Biden’s first two years in office.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), who chairs the panel, emphasized the importance of attaching American faces to the crisis.
“You tell the people story, the human story about what’s happened now,” he said prior to the hearing.
According to Jordan, a remark by one of his Democratic Senate colleagues last year sparked the idea of holding such a discussion in the House.
Referencing the statement by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) during a meeting with Biden administration officials, the Ohio Republican recalled: “First thing Durbin says is … ‘Last weekend I was at a shelter in Chicago where I saw 150 migrants from Texas because that governor sent people up here,’ and I’m like, ‘Holy cow, now the rest of the country is seeing what Texas and Arizona have been dealing with.’”
Democrats have denounced efforts by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other GOP governors of border states to relocate undocumented migrants to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions elsewhere in the country.
After Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis provided transportation for migrants from his state to the liberal enclave of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, last year, critics were quick to describe the move as an inhumane political stunt.
He vigorously defended the decision, however, and denounced the perceived hypocrisy of his Democratic detractors.
“All those people in D.C. and New York were beating their chest when Trump was President, saying they were so proud to be sanctuary jurisdictions, saying how bad it was to have a secure border,” he said in September. “The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, they all of the sudden go berserk.”