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CDC Director Walensky Is On Her Way Out

Darian Douraghy
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Rochelle Walensky, who has served as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) since Jan. 2021, has revealed that she will soon be stepping down from the position, according to an agency press release put out on Friday. 

“CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced today her intent to depart the agency at the end of June,” reads part of the release. “Walensky has led CDC through a transition to greater normalcy across the country, after two years of COVID-19 related closures and waves of dangerous, new virus variants.”

The press release featured words from Walensky as well, who said, “The end of the COVID-19 public health emergency marks a tremendous transition for our country, for public health, and in my tenure as CDC Director.”


She offered praise for herself, saying that the agency’s work under her watch “saved and improved lives and protected the country and the world from the greatest infectious disease threat we have seen in over 100 years.”

The New York Post reported that a letter Walesnky drafted to Joe Biden informing him of her resignation emphasized that she has “never been prouder” of any other thing she has done throughout her career. 

During her tenure in the position, some Americans began to doubt the soon-to-be former CDC director after she falsely stated in April 2021 that “vaccinated people do not carry the [COVID-19] virus, don’t get sick.”

Her agency was essentially saying the opposite.


“It’s possible that some people who are fully vaccinated could get COVID-19,” a CDC spokesperson reportedly told The New York Times about a week later. “The evidence isn’t clear whether they can spread the virus to others. We are continuing to evaluate the evidence.”

An0maly, a political commentator and hip-hop artist, shared a clip of the CDC director’s aforementioned remarks as well as a couple of videos of Walensky seemingly contradicting herself when attempting to justify her erroneous claim. 

In one display, Walensky admitted to perhaps having “too little caution & too much optimism” in pushing the experimental Covid-19 inoculations on the masses.

A separate appearance showed another approach in which she doubled down, insisting that her comments were correct as the COVID-19 virus underwent numerous mutations later on. 

This announced exit of Walensky from the CDC comes as the World Health Organization has moved to declare that it no longer views the COVID-19 virus as a global health emergency