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Democratic Accusations About Whistleblowers Shown To Be Untrue

Graham Perdue
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Vicious Democratic attacks on FBI whistleblowers suffered a stinging setback Wednesday when allegations that some received $250,000 for their testimony were emphatically denied.

Running counter to the explosive charges, the charities that provided assistance to agents who lost their livelihoods flatly disputed the assertions. Two of the witnesses, Garrett O’Boyle and Steve Friend, were given help due to their agency paychecks being yanked away.

And then came testimony from lawyers for a third whistleblower, Marcus Allen.


The accusation came from leftist radical Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), who displayed two screenshots alleging that checks for $255,194 were provided to both O’Boyle and Allen.

The Democrat declared, “Let me say that again. These men were paid $255,194 after they testified as so-called whistleblowers.” 

This allegation simply continued a pattern of Democratic attacks on whistleblowers who suffered deep personal losses after coming forward to detail agency misdeeds. Lee on Wednesday added to these flimsy allegations. 

Her assertion, however, was quickly debunked by Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), who noted that neither have received those funds. The congressman asserted that Allen did not get the donation she accused him of accepting for testimony. Instead, he is obtaining legal counsel on whether he may accept donations to support his family while fighting the FBI’s “retaliation for protected whistleblowing.”


Whistleblower Steve Friend spoke to the “Just the News, No Noise” program and said that the facts of the case were dragged out of context by Democrats. Several months removed from a paycheck, he said that he received a check from a foundation for $5,000.

These FBI whistleblowers are doing a tremendous service for their country at a great personal sacrifice. Of course Democrats are going to attack their integrity, as it is the only defense they have against indefensible government actions against its citizens.

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