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GOP Debate Fireworks As Ramaswamy Brutally Targeted Haley

Graham Perdue
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The live audience in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and the national following were not disappointed by the Republican spectacle on stage Wednesday night. The fourth primary debate produced a singular message loud and clear — Nikki is corrupt.

While the candidates largely ignored frontrunning former President Donald Trump, the same cannot be said for the former South Carolina governor. Haley enjoyed a bump in recent polls, and no one took note of this more than entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

At one point the outspoken candidate held up a handwritten sign declaring “Nikki = Corrupt.”


Not only did Ramaswamy target Haley for multiple past positions, but campaign ads shown during breaks likened her to Hillary Clinton. 

She was also torpedoed for controversial remarks made concerning gender mutilation surgeries. In a recent interview, Haley claimed that the legal system should “stay out of” the heated controversy and that parents “should handle it.”

Ramaswamy pounced on this obvious deviation from principle and hardly stopped there. He referred to the former ambassador as corrupt, blind to foreign affairs and a neocon and then took issue with her belief that social media users should have their ID verified.

Projectiles also flew between Christie and Ramaswamy. 


The former New Jersey governor blasted the businessman for making shaky statements during debates, “All of us see it on video, we confront you about it on the debate stage, you say you didn’t say it, and then you back away.”

Christie added later, “Listen, this is the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first twenty minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America. So shut up.”

Ramaswamy later punched back at Christie. “Just do everybody a favor. Just walk off that stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the [expletive] out of this race.”

As for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, he was quickly asked by host Megyn Kelly about the “elephant in the room.” Specifically, why was he still in the race despite giving up so much ground to the 45th president.

And then there was Trump. Conspicuous in his absence, the frontrunner has a lead that can only be described as insurmountable. Perhaps the bigger question is why any of the four on stage were still in the chase, as Trump will undoubtedly be the party’s 2024 presidential nominee.