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Haley Won’t Say Why She Should Be Picked Over Trump

Darian Douraghy
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The recently announced Republican candidate for president Nikki Haley skirted around questions about why she would do a better job than former President Donald Trump, instead claiming she wants to keep her focus on ousting Joe Biden from office.

“I don’t focus on President Trump,” Haley said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” in which she was questioned as to why a Republican ought to support her over the former president. “It’s amazing that the media wants to talk about that so much. I am focused on Joe Biden.”

“I don’t kick sideways, I kick forward.”


The former South Carolina’s announcement of a presidential run came earlier this month. Haley kicked off the digital portion of her campaign with a video talking about race. 

Haley did not explain she would be better for the job than ‘The Donald’ during a Sunday interview in which she reportedly stated, “I think we need new energy going in. I think we need to leave the status quo of the past and start looking ahead.”

Upon being asked by Fox News host Shannon Bream, who conducted the aforementioned interview, “Why you?,” Haley replied, “Why not me?” She then talked about her origin story before discussing term limits and her commitment to fighting “woke education,” before touching on “socialism” and “defeatism” that she claims are now defining American society. 

Bream pressed Haley, saying, “Clearly you think you are a better option than he is, or you wouldn’t have gotten into the race… so where do you differ?”


“I don’t focus on President Trump,” answered Haley, adding, “and it is amazing the media wants to talk about that so much.”

The Fox News host pushed Haley further, noting that in order to emerge victorious from the Republican primary, there are other opponents she inevitably must face before Joe Biden is even on the table.

“To get to President Trump, you will have to get through that field,” insisted Bream. 

Haley, who formerly served in the Trump administration, continued to at least somewhat dodge inquiry by saying “I’m focused on Joe Biden,” while reiterating her call for “a new generation.”