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Only 1.7% Of Incoming Florida Residents Are Registered Democrats

Chris Agee
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Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) earned a decisive re-election victory last year after narrowly defeating his Democratic rival to win his first gubernatorial race four years earlier.

He has attributed his success to an unabashedly conservative agenda that has attracted scores of new residents who have moved out of generally left-leaning areas of the country. While some Floridians have expressed concern that the new arrivals might bring their progressive politics with them, that does not appear to be the case.

According to Florida GOP Vice Chair Christian Ziegler, the roughly one million residents that the state has gained since DeSantis took office have overwhelmingly registered as Republicans. 

In fact, he said that “only 17,000 have registered as Democrats,” which is a percentage so small he initially did not think it could have been accurate.

“I did not believe it,” he told Breitbart News. “I had to go back and redo the numbers because I just couldn’t believe it, but it ends up being true.”

As Florida leans increasingly toward the GOP, the former swing state is positioned to be a pivotal piece of the party’s political strategy going forward.

“We’re all moving forward together,” Ziegler said. “We’re unified and we’re ready to crush the Democrats in the November elections.”


While leftists have attempted to paint DeSantis and other state GOP leaders as bigoted and intolerant for imposing crackdowns on illegal immigration and explicit content taught in elementary school, many ordinary Americans see these moves as commonsense responses to serious issues. Along with low taxes and an emphasis on personal liberty, Florida has become a haven for individuals disillusioned with the politics of their own states. 

After his resounding defeat of Republican-turned-independent-turned-Democratic challenger Charlie Crist in November, DeSantis vowed to continue pursuing the same course that has made him a household name nationwide in recent years.

“We fight the woke in the Legislature,” he said. “We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die. I have only begun to fight.”

When the governor was initially elected, there were about 250,000 more registered Democrats in the state than Republicans. As of the latest estimates available, Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than 300,000.