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Republicans Push Bill To Defund Radical DA Alvin Bragg

Graham Perdue
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House Republicans, led by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), attempted to hit radical Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg where it hurts — the wallet.

Biggs introduced two measures, one aimed at stripping federal funding away from the DA’s office. This move came after Bragg’s unprecedented pursuit and filing of charges against former President Donald Trump. 

One of the bills is the Accountability for Lawless Violence In Our Neighborhoods Act, or the ALVIN Act. It would strip federal funds from the Manhattan DA’s office and mandate the district attorney reimburse Washington for funding granted after Jan. 1, 2022.


Biggs accused Bragg’s office of “spending thousands of federal taxpayer dollars to subsidize this political indictment.” 

The DA is also requesting millions more in federal grants, and the representative said the resources should address “serious crime” in New York City.

The second measure introduced by Biggs would bar state or local law enforcement from using funds procured through asset forfeiture in political prosecutions. Specifically, the sitting president, vice president, or presidential candidate could not be targeted using these resources.

That measure is titled the No Federal Funds for Political Prosecutions Act.


As Biggs noted, it is no secret that Bragg ran for office on a pledge to legally go after Trump.

As many believe, he alleged that Bragg took minor offenses and elevated them into 34 felony charges against the former president. The reason? To advance his own career and humiliate Trump and his supporters.

Supporters of both measures described the DA’s actions as “disturbing” and said he would be better served by doing his job to control crime in Manhattan. 

House Republicans have gone after Bragg for his apparently politically motivated pursuit of charges against Trump. The DA fired back with a lawsuit against House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The George Soros-backed prosecutor accused the representative of an “unprecedentedly brazen and unconstitutional attack” on his office and law enforcement.

But the GOP countered that it had a legislative interest in ensuring that the Manhattan DA’s office is not misusing federally allocated funding. Bragg’s attorneys, of course, responded by claiming that no such funds were used in its investigations into the former president and the filing of charges.