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RFK Jr. Sues Google Over Censorship Of Videos

Graham Perdue
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Democratic presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. filed a lawsuit last week against tech giant YouTube and its parent company Google. He accused them of waging a “censorship campaign” in conjunction with the Biden administration against his bid for his party’s nomination.

Kennedy asserted that videos featuring his talks questioning vaccine safety and interviews with conservative voices were removed.

Google countered that the legal claims are “meritless.” 


RFK Jr.’s filing, however, alleged that YouTube and Google worked as “state actors” when they censored his message. They merely served as a weapon of the Biden administration and another arm to go after anyone standing in the way of their leader’s quest for another four years. 

The legal action, taken in California on Wednesday through a 27-page complaint, alleged the defendants succumbed to government pressure to “silence” the candidate.

Kennedy’s lawyers asserted that the White House utilized “overt and covert” means to quash his views on the dangers of COVID vaccines.

The suit declared, “Under these circumstances, YouTube is a state actor and it violated Mr. Kennedy’s First Amendment rights by engaging in viewpoint discrimination.”


RFK Jr.’s campaign website posted a release alleging that Google cooperated with federal officials to enact “misinformation” policies. In turn, these were used to attack Biden’s political opponents, including Kennedy, who is challenging the incumbent in the Democratic primary.

These actions, the statement declared, created a public-private partnership dependent on government sources to quash the candidate’s freedom of speech. 

Kennedy further asserted that he was one of the first targets of the Biden White House’s censorship activities in 2021. It has been clearly proven that the administration engaged in directing the silencing of opposing viewpoints from the revelations of the Twitter Files.

Not surprisingly, Democrats continue to lash out against their colleague who had the gall to challenge a most unpopular president.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) recently termed RFK Jr. as a literal “false flag.” He implied that the lifelong Democrat was the product of a Russian lab being implemented for a possible right-wing coup.

Hasn’t Biden’s party lost enough credibility through blaming everything on the Russian boogeyman?